United States Department of Transportation

Module 1 | Hiring Overview Module

Welcome to the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Hiring Toolkit. Hiring new employees can be a time-consuming and challenging process for Federal managers who face many pressing daily obligations. This Toolkit was developed to facilitate this process by providing guidance and explaining, at a top level, what hiring managers need to know and do during the hiring process – -- or who to contact for more help.

The DOT’s Hiring Toolkit is a web-based guide designed primarily for hiring managers or those needing a refresher on the hiring process. Information is provided on your role as a hiring manager, as well as that of other key players in the hiring process; the typical steps involved in most hiring actions; the hiring flexibilities that are available to you when filling positions, including several that fast-track the process; and the workforce planning and pre-work that takes place before any hiring processes can begin.

There are four modules in the Toolkit, as follows:

  • Module 1: Hiring Overview Module — provides information to help managers better understand the big picture of DOT’s hiring process, and how to navigate and use the Hiring Toolkit.
  • Module 2: Hiring Flexibilities Overview — provides an overview of the various hiring authorities/flexibilities under which individuals can be hired. Several of these enable you, as the hiring manager, to set aside the more traditional, competitive hiring process to quickly hire the best person for the job.
  • Module 3: Planning and Hiring Pre-Work Module — provides an overview of the Workforce Planning and Hiring Pre-Work phases of hiring; both of which set the foundation for and are crucial to the success of your hiring efforts. Workforce Planning for hiring requires sound strategy and careful implementation. Hiring Pre-Work is a preparation period that takes place before any hiring processes have begun.
  • Module 4: Step-by-Step Hiring Module — provides step-by-step guidance and explanation of the traditional, competitive hiring process and each of the “fast-tracked” hiring flexibilities. It also identifies who owns each element and the maximum number of calendar days to complete the element, all within the context of the 80 days hiring model. You can review each element in progression, or click on a specific element(s) if you only require guidance on that element(s) in particular.

    If this is your first time using/visiting the Hiring Toolkit, we suggest you briefly review each Module in turn, then consult with your servicing HR Specialist to strategize your hiring process approach.

First Things First

Who are the key players in the hiring process?

Hiring Manager – determines his/her hiring needs, gains approval for the hiring action, submits a hiring request through the Workforce Transformation and Tracking System (WTTS), strategizes hiring and assessment tactics with his/her HR Specialist, schedules and conducts interviews, and collaborates with his/her HR Specialist and other key players during the entire hiring process to timely and successfully bring the selected applicant on board.

Higher Level Approving Official – authorizes the hire via WTTS.

Office of Budget – confirms funding for the hire via WTTS.

OA HR Specialist – prior to and after submission of the approved hiring action, provides ongoing consultative services to help ensure the hiring manager is aware of his/her hiring and recruitment needs and options; and collaborates with the hiring manager and/or other key players to advertise the vacancy, ensure compliance with regulations, and to timely and successfully bring the selected applicant on board.

Executive Agent (EA) – posts Job Opportunity Announcements (JOA) on USAJOBS, and provides staffing and examining functions performed in conjunction with the DOT Automated Staffing System, for all of DOT with the exception of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Office of Security – oversees the pre-employment security clearance processes, such as drug testing, eQIP and adjudication of suitability/security issues.

Applicant – submits required information when applying for a job, participates in interviews, and, if he/she accepts the job offer, timely completes pre-employment requirements and collaborates with other key players for a timely and successful Entrance on Duty (EOD).

To Do List

What might a hiring manager be asked to do during the hiring process?

  • Conduct workforce planning and hiring pre-work (refer to Module 3: Planning and Pre-Work Module).
  • Review or draft a new Position Description (PD) once a vacancy is determined.
  • Submit hiring request via the Workforce Transformation and Tracking System (WTTS).
  • Work with your servicing HR Specialist to create a Job Analysis.
  • Review and approve the Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA).
  • Review resumes/applications and decide who to interview.
  • Determine interview questions and conduct individual interviews and/or form an interview panel.
  • Check references before making a selection.
  • Complete and return the Certificate of Eligibles (first through third choices).
  • Prepare for the individual’s arrival.

Getting Started

Once a vacancy is approved, are there different hiring processes to consider?

Yes, there are many different hiring authorities, but they basically fall into 2 "buckets."

  1. Competitive hiring which is one of the most common processes and typically takes 80 days to complete. Refer to Module 4: Step-by-Step Hiring Module to understand what is expected from you as a hiring manager when hiring someone under the competitive process.
  2. Other hiring authorities that can fast-track the hiring process. Refer to Module 2: Hiring Flexibilities Overview Module to identify and become familiar with those authorities that can expedite the hiring process. Step-by-step guidance for each of these “fast-tracked” flexibilities can be found in Module 4: Step-by-Step Hiring Module.
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