Does a vacancy exist or is it an approved new position (e.g., part of your established staffing plan)?
Has the position been approved at all the appropriate levels?
Is the position description accurate?
Is your need for this position temporary or permanent?
Does this position need to be full-time, part-time, or intermittent?
Should this position be filled at the full performance level or is it better to fill at the entry level?
In reviewing your organization’s mission and strategic plan, what are the skills and competencies needed for this position?
Have you completed/updated a Job Analysis?
Does the position have special requirements or require specialized experience?
Does the position have special conditions of employment?
Are the job assessment materials (Questions) up-to-date or do they require development or modification?
In keeping with your OA’s diversity goals and the skills and competencies needed for this position, what applicant source would best meet your needs (e.g., internal sources, colleges/universities, veterans, other individuals outside the Federal sector)?
Have you obtained strategic advice from your HR Specialist on suitable recruitment strategies?
What is the area of consideration for the announcement?
In keeping with your OA’s Workforce Planning, is this position designated under the Pathways Program?
Is the position covered by a bargaining unit?
Is the position covered by local merit promotion procedures?
What is the optimum time the vacancy announcement should be open?
Is the position subject to a mandatory placement program (CTAP, PRL, or ICTAP)?
What hiring incentives should be considered for the position?
Do your intended actions meet Merit System Principles and avoid Prohibited Personnel Actions?
Have you submitted the Request for Personnel Action and supporting attachments directly to your HR Specialist for classification (when appropriate) and recruitment?
Will Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) be used and have you notified them to plan for the upcoming Job Analysis and Question Development time frame?
Will an interview panel be used and have you notified the panel members to plan for the upcoming panel time frame?
Have you developed interview questions?
Have you developed reference check questions?
Have you initiated reasonable accommodations for the interview process and EOD, if applicable?
Have you prepared for the employee’s first day? First week? First month? First year?